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MEWES (MEUX), William (c.1530-89), of Kingston, I.o.W.
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Family and Education
b. c.1530, 1st s. of Richard Mewes of Kingston by Dorothy, da. of Thomas Cooke of Fordingbridge, Hants. m. Elinor, da. of Sir Henry Strangeways, 1s. 2da. suc. fa. bef. 1568, uncle 1568.
Offices Held
Of the senior branch of his family, Mewes inherited most of his lands from his uncle John, the last male representative of a cadet branch. The principal manor, Kingston, was situated between Chillerton Down and St. Catherine Down, on the south coast of the Isle of Wight. It was here that Mewes lived, becoming, as his will indicates, a considerable sheep farmer. Newtown first sent Members to Parliament in Elizabeth’s reign in 1584, at the suit of Sir George Carey, who subsequently controlled the patronage, and Mewes must have been acceptable to him in 1584. However, he was ready to oppose Carey some four years later, as he signed the letter demanding the release of Robert Dillington. Mewes died 5 Mar. 1589, having made his will the previous 24 Sept. It was proved 17 June 1589 by his son and heir John.
C142/152/143, 222/47; Vis. Hants (Harl. Soc. lxiv), 135; Hist. Isle of Wight, ed. Worsley, 103; PCC 56 Leicester.