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GREY, Booth (1783-1850), of Ashton Hayes, Cheshire.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. 12 Feb. 1783, 1st surv. s. of Hon. Booth Grey† of Budworth Magna by Elizabeth, da. of Charles Mainwaring of Bromborough. educ. Eton 1796; Brasenose, Oxf. 1800. m. 21 Oct. 1809, his 1st cos. Lady Sophia Grey, da. of George Harry Grey†, 5th Earl of Stamford, s.p. suc. fa. 1802.
Offices Held
Sheriff, Cheshire 1811-12.
Capt. R. Cheshire militia 1803-5.
Grey was returned for Petersfield as a guest of Hylton Jolliffe*. He had a family connexion with the 3rd Duke of Portland, then premier, who had formerly been friendly with Jolliffe’s father, so Portland probably arranged it. The Marquess of Buckingham pointed out to William Henry Fremantle* soon after his election that Grey should have been reckoned ‘decidedly hostile’ rather than among the ‘doubtfuls’ in a list of opposition strength.1 He was not an active Member. His only minority vote during Portland’s ministry was for inquiry into charges of ministerial corruption, 25 Apr. 1809. The Whigs listed him ‘doubtful’ from their point of view in March 1810. His only known vote that session was against parliamentary reform, 21 May, and only one other vote (if he was the ‘Hon. W. B. Grey’) is known, in favour of the consideration of Catholic claims, 24 Apr. 1812. Perhaps there was a tendency to confuse him with his cousin and brother-in-law the Hon. William Booth Grey.2 He did not seek re-election in 1812. Grey died 13 Apr. 1850.