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DASHWOOD, James (?1758-1840), of Parkhurst, Surr. and Forest Lodge, Warfield, Berks.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. ?1758, 4th s. of Robert Dashwood of Vellow Wood, Som. by Mary née Sweeting. m. 18 Jan. 1786, Sarah, da. of Col. Moseley, 4s. 2da.
Offices Held
Dashwood’s sister Rachel was the wife of Mark Wood I*. In 1802, together with his brother-in-law, he unsuccessfully contested Shaftesbury, where Wood had purchased the predominant interest. After this unexpected setback, Wood returned him for his proprietary borough of Gatton, but after a few months he vacated the seat so that Wood could bring in Philip Dundas at the request of administration. He made no mark in Parliament, presumably giving a silent support to administration; nor did he seek re-election. He died 21 Nov. 1840, aged 82.
PCC 1841, f. 21; Add. 38368, f. 206; HMC Fortescue, viii. 402; Gent. Mag. (1841), i. 106.