PATTENSON, Thomas, of Carlisle, Cumb.

Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1558-1603, ed. P.W. Hasler, 1981
Available from Boydell and Brewer



Family and Education

Offices Held

Mayor, Carlisle 1561, 1569.1


Described as ‘alderman and merchant’ in 1566, when with Thomas Barne, William Mulcaster and others he was a plaintiff in a case against the then mayor, and as ‘gentleman’ on the return, Pattenson belonged to a family whose name recurs frequently in the records of Carlisle and its vicinity. A Thomas Patynson ‘of Sedbourne’ (possibly Sebergham, 10 miles from Carlisle) occurs on the pardon roll, 7 Nov. 1553.2

On 27 Feb. 1581 Pattenson was appointed to the committee for the second reading of the bill for Carlisle.3

Ref Volumes: 1558-1603

Author: E.L.C.M.


  • 1. Carlisle Recs. (Cumb. and Westmld. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. extra ser. iv), 86; CSP Scot. ii. 633.
  • 2. Carlisle mss CA/2/210-17; CPR, 1553-4, p. 465.
  • 3. CJ, i. 130.