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HARE, Nicholas (c.1530-97), of Stow Bardolph, Norf.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. c.1530, 3rd but 1st surv. s. of John Hare, London mercer, of Stow Bardolph, and bro. of Hugh and John. educ. Trinity Hall, Camb. 1545; I. Temple, sp. adm. 1548, called. unm. suc. fa. 1565.
Offices Held
Bencher, I. Temple 1574, treasurer 1584; j.p. Norf. from c.1579-87, from c.1596; recorder, King’s Lynn 1593-7.
Hare rebuilt the house at Stow Bardolph and added a family vault to the north side of the church. He was active in the affairs of his county, before and after being temporarily dropped from the commission of the peace for being ‘backward’ in religion, and was frequently called on by the Privy Council to help settle local disputes. In 1591 he was himself summoned before the Council for infringing a salt monopoly by bringing four ships from Scotland to King’s Lynn, ‘where he dispersed some part thereof, the residue being stayed and seized to Her Majesty’s use’.
Hare was returned to Parliament for Horsham by his brother Ralph. The records show him named to only three committees during his parliamentary career, on a private bill (30 May 1572), libellers (19 Feb. 1585) and a legal matter 5 Mar. 1585). He reported a committee concerning Norfolk sea defences, 16 Feb. 1585. No activity is recorded in his name in 1586, and some confusion surrounds his career in the 1589 Parliament. On 7 Feb. 1589, his brother Hugh moved for a new writ to replace Nicholas as burgess for Horsham, presumably on account of sickness. However, ten days later, Nicholas is mentioned by name in the journals as speaking on a private bill. No information about the intervening period is to be found. There are references to a ‘Mr. Hare’ in the journals of the House for the Parliaments of 1584, 1586, 1589, but these are more likely to refer to John Hare, who was at that time an increasingly active London lawyer.
He made his will 16 Jan. 1597, requesting burial ‘without any funeral pomp’ at Stow Bardolph, ‘in the chapel newly builded by me there’. He appointed Ralph executor and residuary legatee, charging him with the distribution of £100 to the poor of Clackclose hundred in Norfolk; and he made numerous small bequests to relatives and friends, including one to ‘my very good friend’ Edward Coke, attorney-general. To the treasurer of the Inner Temple he left four new salt cellars for use ‘at the bench table in that house as a remembrance of my good will’. Apart from the Norfolk property, Hare mentioned his joint lease with his brother, Ralph, from the Countess of Derby of a manor in Lincolnshire, and his ‘lease of the greenwax’ in Wiltshire. He died 2 Aug. 1597,
Clutterbuck, Herts. iii. 454; G. A. Carthew, Hundred of Launditch, ii. 657-8; SP12/145; Strype, Annals, iii(2), p. 460; Lansd. 63, f. 51; 121, f. 65; Masters of the Bench of I. Temple, 13; Al. Cant. i(2), p. 305; APC, xvii. 85; xix. 353-4; xxi. 9, 37; D’Ewes, 220, 351, 353, 363, 429, 434; PCC 5 Morrison, 40 Cobham; C142/141/30, 251/95.