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MYNORS, Reginald (by 1489-1519 or later), of Lincoln's Inn, London.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. by 1489, 2nd s. of Richard Mynors of Treago, Herefs. by Joan, da. of Gwillym ap Thomas ap Howell ap Gyllough; bro. of Sir Roger. educ. L. Inn, adm. 16 June 1503.3
Offices Held
Bencher, L. Inn 1519.
Commr. subsidy, Herefs. 1514.4
Reginald Mynors was a younger son in a long-established Herefordshire family. Little has come to light about him other than his Membership of the second and third of Henry VIII’s Parliaments, and that is known only from two letters addressed by him and his fellow-Member Roland Brydges to the mayor and common council of Hereford.5
Brydges wrote from London on 10 July 1514 concerning the wages due to himself and Mynors ‘for all the last long Parliament’. His courteous remonstrances were apparently unavailing for on the following 8 Feb. Mynors wrote more strongly from Lincoln’s Inn. Hereford had evidently complied with the King’s request for the re-election of the previous Members and Mynors reported that he and Brydges had attended the opening of the new Parliament on 5 Feb., ‘the which for my part was for by cause I was sworn to maintain the city of Hereford to my power [perhaps an indication that he was its legal counsel], and therefore I would not suffer you the citizens to be amerced, and for no kindness shewed on your parts’. Brydges had offered to remit part of the wages due to him but Mynors threatened to go to law to obtain ‘every penny’
and whereas you write that I should be bound to save you harmless at the Parliament, and that the Queen’s tenant goeth free of toll by an Act at the last Parliament, as to saving of you harmless, wise men may know when we have entered into the Parliament we have taken the charges on us, and at the last Parliament there passed no Act that queen’s tenants shall go free for paying any toll, but there was an Act [in the Parliament of 1510, 1 Hen. VIII, c.18] what lands the Queen should have to her jointure, and Marcle [Herefordshire] was part of Queen Elizabeth’s jointure [11 Hen. VII, c.32], and it is not unknown to you how her tenants used them.6
No trace of Mynors has been found after 1519 and he is not mentioned in his father’s will of 1526, but even if he was still alive it is unlikely that he would have been elected to the Parliament of 1523, when the Members for Hereford are unknown. Indeed, the ordinance which the city had by then passed against the choice of anyone not of ‘the ... election and common council of the city’ may have been a reaction to its experience with two London lawyers.7