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MARSHAM, Thomas (by 1522-57), of Norwich, Norf.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. by 1522, s. of John Marsham (d. 13 May 1525) of Norwich by Elizabeth, da. of Hamond Claxton of Chediston, Suff. m. by 1551, Elizabeth.1
Offices Held
Sheriff, Norwich 1543-4, alderman 1545-d., auditor 1545, chamberlain’s council 1546, mayor 1554-5.2
On 6 Nov. 1543 Thomas Marsham, grocer, was admitted to the freedom of Norwich as the son of a former alderman and at once was elected to serve as sheriff in place of a man who had just died. He is said to have been ‘a great favourite of the Norwich citizens’, even though his wife had a reputation for sharpness. He was twice passed over for the mayoralty before being chosen for office, but after his second failure he was compensated by being returned to the Parliament of March 1553. During his term as mayor he helped to draw up ordinances for the russell makers’ company of which he was a member. By his will made on 11 Sept. 1557 and proved on 26 Sept. following he asked to be buried in St. John Maddermarket. After remembering the poor he left his wife Elizabeth all his lands in Norwich and his movable goods, and his brother Ralph a moiety of the manor of Little Melton, on condition that Ralph paid £220 to his executors. He gave black gowns to his sister Elizabeth Layer and her son, and 20s. to a cousin, James Marsham. As executors he named his mother, his wife, and another cousin Hamond Claxton. He died on 15 Sept. and was buried in accordance with his wishes.3
Ref Volumes: 1509-1558
Author: Roger Virgoe
- 1. Date of birth estimated from admission as freeman. Blomefield, Norf. vi. 332-5; Norwich consist. ct. 167 Brigges, 150 Hustinges.
- 2. Norwich ass. procs. 2, 3.
- 3. Norwich old free bk. f. 136; ass. procs. 2, ff. 185v, 209v, 224v; 3, f. 5v; Merchant Marks (Harl. Soc. cviii), 43; Blomefield, vi. 334; Recs. Norwich, ed. Hudson and Tingey, ii. 111; Norwich Depositions, ed. Rye, 25-26; Norwich consist. ct. 150 Hustinges; B. Cozens-Hardy and E. A. Kent, Mayors of Norwich, 55.