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MALLOCK (MANNOCK), John (by 1527-66/67), of Axmouth, Devon.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. by 1527, s. of William Mallock of Axmouth by Agnes, da. of William Newbury of Stockland. m. (1) Maud, da. of John Weston of Colyton, 2da.; (2) Elizabeth, da. of John Chaplin of Taunton, Som., 3s. 1da.1
Offices Held
Collector of customs, Poole 1 Dec. 1553-6 Nov. 1566.2
John Mallock, whose chief residence was in Devon, also held property in and around Lyme Regis. In 1548 he had a house there on lease from John Tudoll, of whose will he was an overseer and witness, and in the 1550s he paid rent to the mayor for other property; he also leased Crabhayne, five miles west of Lyme, which after his death became the residence of his second son. In the first three of Mary’s Parliaments Mallock and his nephew, Thomas Goodwin, together represented Lyme Regis. He received 3s.4d. during 1554 ‘for his charges to be burgess of Parliament’ but it is not known for which of the two Parliaments of that year he was being paid. He had quitted the second of these prematurely without leave and was accordingly informed against in the King’s bench. No further action was taken against him but the offence may have proved a stumbling-block to his election to the last two Parliaments of the reign, although it did not prevent him from introducing his nephew at Poole in 1558. When returned to Elizabeth’s first Parliament he was careful to obtain a necessary leave of absence.3
Mallock’s will of 21 Dec. 1566 was proved on the following 28 Jan. He left his lease of the alnage of Somerset and Dorset, including that of Lyme, between two of his sons and a son-in-law.4