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DAUNDY, Edmund (by 1468-1515), of Ipswich, Suff.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. by 1468, s. of Thomas Daundy by Mary, da. of John Wingfield of Wingfield. m. (1) by 1487, Anne, da. of John Bacon of Blakenham, 3s. inc. Robert 2da.; (2) Margaret, ?s.p.3
Offices Held
Chamberlain, Ipswich 1489-90, claviger 1491-1515, portman 1497-d., bailiff 1498-9, 1503-4, 1510-11, j.p. 1498-9, 1503-4, 1510-15; commr. subsidy, Suff. 1512, 1514, 1515; other commissions, Suff. and Ipswich 1504-d.4
Edmund Daundy was one of the wealthiest merchants in early 16th-century Ipswich, being described by his son after his death as ‘a man of lands and possessions to the yearly value of six-score marks and above and also of great substance in plate, money, leases, farms and other goods, chattels and debts to the value of £1,000 and above’.5
Daundy’s Membership of the Parliaments of 1512 and 1515 formed a fitting climax to his municipal career. He had none the less made an unsuccessful attempt in 1509 to avoid election to the office of bailiff for six years. He was closely associated with Thomas Wolsey and when in 1510 he obtained a licence to found a chantry in St. Lawrence’s church, Ipswich, it was in part for the benefit of the souls of Wolsey’s parents. The link may have been Wolsey’s mother Joan, whose identity has not come to light. If she was a Daundy, Edmund Daundy could well have helped Wolsey in the early stages of his career.6
Daundy died on 6 May 1515, a month after the end of the first session of the Parliament of 1515: he is not known to have been replaced. He had made his will on 4 May; after various charitable bequests, he provided for his wife and children out of his goods and his lands in and near Ipswich. The landed property not otherwise bequeathed was entrusted for four or five years to the executor William Stisted, a prominent municipal official. Stisted was required to provide £12 a year for the exhibition at Gray’s Inn of the heir, William, who later accused him of having forged parts of the will, thereby defrauding him of his inheritance.7
Ref Volumes: 1509-1558
Author: John Pound
- 1. Ipswich ct. bk. 7, p. 312.
- 2. Did not serve for the full duration of the Parliament; N. Bacon, Annals Ipswich, 188.
- 3. Date of birth estimated from marriage. Add. 19126, f. 113; PCC 20 Holder.
- 4. Bacon, 159-87 passim; CPR, 1494-1509, p. 360; LP Hen. VIII, i; Statutes, iii. 83, 116, 173.
- 5. CI/500/3.
- 6. Bacon, 181-2; I. E. Gray and W. E. Potter, Ipswich School, 1400-1950, pp. 13-14; LP Hen. VIII, i; Procs. Suff. Inst. Arch. xxv. 149-64; xxvii. 133-53.
- 7. PCC 20 Holder; C1/500/3; 142/30/6.