


Coates, Jeff (1948-)


  • Born 1948
  • Exeter City Councillor
  • Conservative Party

Jeff Coates was born in Hanley, West Midlands, but travelled around the UK in his formative years due to his father’s career in the RAF. Although not involved in politics as such, his parents were ‘staunch’ Conservative supporters, and Jeff developed an early partisan interest, describing his first active role as exhibiting Conservative Party stickers on his cycle while riding to and fro college during the 1966 General Election campaign.  This was to be the start of an extensive and dynamic service in local politics.

After leaving college Jeff continued to higher education, studying economics at the University of Exeter from 1967-70.  During this time Jeff was also a committee member of the University’s Conservative and Unionist Association, which was responsible for organising Enoch Powell’s speech in the Great Hall in October 1968.  (You can listen to Jeff discussing the event on the right, or to find out more about this speech visit our ‘Talking Points’ page.)

After completing his postgraduate degree, Jeff acquired his first academic post at York, where he also had his first experience of standing as a Conservative candidate.  In 1974 he returned back to the University of Exeter, this time being employed as a Lecturer in Finance.  On his return to Devon, Jeff continued his progression in the field of local politics; first elected in 1979, he intermittently served as a Conservative candidate and councillor for three wards in Exeter, until eventually stepping down while Councillor for Cowick in 2011.  In between his time as a councillor, Jeff held various roles in the Exeter Conservative Association, including Party Chairman and President. He is now a City Alderman in recognition of his service to politics.

Transcript of clip

  • Well 1968 was the year, the big sort of year for student protests right across the country, and a lot of that was actually to do with Vietnam, I think. But there were huge numbers of other issues. But the big surprise about the Enoch Powell meeting and what happened at the meeting, is that Exeter had been a relatively minor participant in this student rioting compared to other places like Sussex and the LSE. That was the first meeting that had been seriously interrupted at a university, certainly for Enoch Powell.  I’m pretty certain the hall was packed, and there had been a large number of people who it was quite clear were intent on at least manifesting their views. At the start of the meeting it wasn’t clear what they were intending to do – it might just have been waving placards and making catcalls and things – but as Powell started to speak the catcalls turned into – I can’t really remember – but what it finished up with was people fighting in the body of the room, as people who were trying to protest were being tackled by people unhappy with that happening. One person got on the stage and banged the drum, and then people started throwing – I think they were boiled sweets, amongst other things – although one of the newspapers said: “Powell was pelted by marbles.” I don’t remember any marbles, you think you would have known they were a pretty serious missile if that had happened, but I don’t remember that… The background of course was that Powell had made his famous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, it must have been only a matter of weeks, maybe months, before this meeting. He came to speak on economic policy, but of course there was only one thing on the mind of protesters, and that was his speech on immigration. He soldiered on for, well, for a time, not all that long. I think once the missiles started to fly, and once it became clear that no-one was going to stop trying to shout him down he concluded there really was no point in going on and called the meeting off.

Interview Summary

Date of recording:  10/2/14
Name of interviewer: Kayleigh Milden

[00.00] Interviewer introduces Jeff Coates (JC): former Councillor (Exeter City Council), Conservative Association Chair and President.  Earliest political memory: watching Labour Party political broadcast on TV during lead up to 1959 General Election, and his parents interjecting Hugh Gaitskell. [1:15] Describes immediate family history. Mention of schooling and higher education. [3:20] Describes first active role in politics as displaying Conservative Party stickers on his bicycle to and fro college during 1966 General Election campaign. [3:50] Description of his time studying at University of Exeter and his role in the University’s Conservative and Unionist Association. [6:35] Discussion about student politics at Exeter University in 1968 (year of student protests).[7:20] Discussion about JC’s memories of Enoch Powell’s speech at the University of Exeter in 1968. Rioting broke out during Powell’s speech. [15:40] Description of press cuttings relating to Powell’s speech in Exeter. [24:00] Memories of other politicians who gave guest lectures at University of Exeter in late 1960s/early 1970s: Gwyneth Dunwoody; Anthony Wedgewood Benn; Dame Joan Vickers; Peter Emery; Sir Derek Heathcoat-Amory.[27:00] Discussion about his first academic post at York University. Mentions he was a member of Pressure for Social and Economic Toryism (PEST). [28:30] Brief description of career as a lecturer at University of Exeter. When returning to Exeter JC became involved in local Conservative Association. [31:25] Discussion of Exeter wards where JC has served councillor between 1979-2011. JC is now an Alderman of the City of Exeter. [34:00] Discussion about relationship with other political parties in Exeter. [30:20] Discussion about JC’s roles in the Conservative Association. Recalls the challenged posed by SDP candidate from North East in 1983 General Election, while JC was serving as press officer for Conservative Association. [37:00] Discussion of memorable general elections: 1970, John Hannam victory over Gwenyth Dunwoody. [37:50] Memories of being a Conservative Party activist after graduating. [39:30] Discussion about council by-elections in Exeter. [40:40] Discussion about relationship between Devon and Westminster. Margaret Thatcher’s Governments and the impact on local candidates. Mentions effect of Westland Affair on local politics. [42:45] Describes cross-party campaign for Exeter to become a Unitary Authority leading up to 2010 General Election. [45:30] Political idols: Harold MacMillan; Margaret Thatcher (JC was quoted on front page of Express and Echo on the day she resigned as PM). [47:45] Mentions his disappointment at David Cameron not supporting Exeter becoming a unitary authority; comments that it ‘kyboshed’ the Conservative campaign in Exeter during run up to 2010 General Election.   [48:25] Discussion about the positive impact that David Cameron has had on politics and the challenges he’s faced leading the Coalition Government. [48:50] JC’s parents were great admirers of Winston Churchill. Discussion about Churchill’s proficiency as a wartime leader [51:00] Round up of interview.

  • Listen here to Jeff discuss Enoch Powell's controversial visit to Exeter University in 1968...

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