
Community - Have your say

Welcome to the From the Grassroots Community. In this section, we invite you share your own memories, thoughts and images with us, and tell us what you think about the material we’ve found.

Here, you can read stories from our Community members in the ‘Your Memories’ section. We’ve also found some controversial material in our research, which we’ve shared in a series of ‘Talking Points’. But please do join in and tell us what you think!

As a registered user, you can comment on topics created in ‘Your Memories’ by other users, or you can comment in ‘Talking Points’ on articles written by ourselves, or why not start your own discussion with a new ‘Your Memory’ article. We look forward to reading your posts!

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Featured memory

  • I am told that there are photograhs of torchlit victory parades in Barnstaple at the Cross Street headquarters of the North Devon Lb Dems.  I understand that the original was taken in 1959 on the first occasion that Jeremy Thorpe was elected.  The second was taken on the return to North Devon of Nick Harvey, the newly elected North Devon MP in 1992.  I shall see if these can be scanned and posted here.   

  • Lots of the interviews in From the Grassroots seem to start with family memories of politics, so I thought I would start things off in the Community with one of mine. My family are all politically interested but have never been particularly active. My Dad - who I'm fairly confident votes Conservative, although in our family we do not ask how the others vote (and he would tell me it was a matter between him and the polling booth if I did!) - remembers that my Nan would never let him take her to the polling station on election day.

Featured talking point

  • On 23rd October 1968 the Conservative politician Enoch Powell was invited to speak at the University of Exeter. Just six months earlier he had delivered his controversial ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech criticising Commonwealth immigration and anti-discrimination laws in the UK. The speech created a political storm that subsequently led to his dismissal from the Shadow Cabinet.

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