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ROGERS, Sir John Leman, 6th Bt. (1780-1847), of Blachford, Devon.
Available from Boydell and Brewer
Family and Education
b. 18 Apr. 1780, 1st. s. of Sir Frederick Rogers, 5th Bt.* educ. Winchester. unm. suc. fa. as 6th Bt. 21 June 1797.
Offices Held
Cornet, 28 Drag. 1799; lt. 2 Drag. Gds. 1800, capt. 1802-7.
Rogers was a scion of the Plymouth parliamentary family. He did not represent that borough, though reported in 1802, and again in 1809, to be interested in doing so.1 After eight years in the army he had settled down to the life of a Devon country gentleman. He sat in Parliament briefly for Callington on the interest of Lord Clinton, on behalf of whose brother he vacated his seat in February 1813. On 10 Dec. 1812 he had written to his patron:2
I have no objection to continue to sit for Callington altogether unconditionally, both with respect to resignation and political conduct, and to pay you this day the expenses of the election, provided they do not exceed my expectations.
On any other terms, I must beg to decline the honour—though I shall be happy to consult your convenience as to the time and manner of vacating the seat.
There is no evidence of any activity in Parliament, but Rogers’s politics were certainly Tory in later years. In 1817 Lord Rolle wrote to the prime minister on behalf of his ‘very worthy friend Sir John Rogers, a most steady friend to the present government’, who wanted a place for his brother.3 He did not seek reelection, declining an invitation to stand at Exeter in 1820. He died on 10 Dec. 1847. According to an obituary notice he was ‘a keen sportsman’ and ‘possessed rare qualities as a musician’.4